Monday, September 9, 2013

Friends With Benefits...the Other Definition

We are all aware of the phrase "friends with benefits". If you're not, then I'll spell it out for you. The phrase "friends with benefits" is normally associated with a friend with whom one can freely have sex without there being any strings attached such as kisses goodbye, rambling text messages of love, or a follow up call the next day. Basically, it's a booty call where everyone ends up happy.  This is the original meaning of the phrase; however, I have found that the phrase has a second meaning which only leaves one friend satisfied and the other out in the cold. 

You may be a friend with benefits and do not yet even realize it. The second definition of this little phrase has nothing to do with sex at all. It simply means that you have something to give (a benefit) alongside your friendship.

In my opinion, the top five of benefits of the second definition are:

1. You're the shoulder your friends lean on when they are upset;

2. You're the bank your friends come to when they're short on cash;

3. You're the brain your friends turn to when they have school/work questions they cannot answer;

4. You're the technology whiz that can fix any computer or smart phone; or,

5. You're the partner in crime when your friends need backup.

The top five benefits can be placed in the order as you see fit but most of us fall into one or more category.  The problem with being the friend with the benefit is that your "friends" use you then forget about you until your services are needed again. Don't get caught up in this cycle because you will never get out of it.  You are thinking about it right now. You're asking yourself, "Which friend only contacts me when they need something?". Yes, your gut feeling is right. That's the person who takes full advantage of your kindness and never gives anything back in return...not even a follow up call. 

Those of you who who are always on the receiving end know you have a friend that is always there willing to do something to benefit you and you are taking full advantage of that friend.  If you're on the receiving end of the benefits then you are not a friend at all. You are one of the selfish people that people are hoping will someday mature enough so that they can cut all ties with you,

If you are the "friend with benefits" stop it right now! Find your own friend that can reciprocate benefits. The world's population is too large to be the giver and never the receiver.

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